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I'm a cosplayer with my wife Rogue, music reviewer for ReGen Magazine, and software engineer.

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Chelseahavoc says, "great job you look perfect <3!"
For Apollo from Sousei no Aquarion
Otakitty says, "LOL! You are awesome for doing this, didn't think there were any Kazuyas out there."
For Kazuya Saotome from Hand Maid May
VisualGoth says, "D M C!!!! O__O gread! XD ♥"
For Johannes Krauser II from Detroit Metal City
neoangelwink says, "coool"
For Dexter Drake from Arkham Horror
DUDE10 says, "wer did you get this costume man its unreal!! i want itt haha"
For Emmett Lathrop (Doc) Brown Ph.D. from Back to the Future