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Cosplayer Greyloch > Costume of Hush (Batman)

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Costume worn at:
Dragon*Con 2015
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Most of this costume is off-the-shelf (trench coat, tactical pants, boots, self-adhesive bandages for the mask) but I wanted authenticity to the comic. If you're taking on Batman and family, you had better be able to rumble with them. To achieve this, the shin guards are motor-cross protectors and the vest is listed as "light-weight body armor" (really thick leather with protective padding in the back).

The most troublesome part of this construct was the Hush emblem and stripes on his vest. I paid a professional leather craftsman to hand-tool the "H" emblem onto a policeman's badge holder (clips on and off) and discovered a leather workman's harness - what a roofer or construction worker might wear to lug heavy things around (buckets, tools, et al.) - and painted the harness to closely match the Hush vest. Not extremely difficult but true to the spirit of the character/comic while being creative yet functional in real world settings.

I would actually go into a battle with most of this costume.
Personal Thoughts:
I try to do cosplays that are bit... different and not of usual characters, age/fitness appropriate for me (e.g., you'll probably never see me dressed up as Superman unless it is for laughs)and believable. I strive for "the willing suspension of disbelief" in costuming where I can make someone thing, even for a milli-second that I *am* that character. That's what excites me about this hobby; the blurring of the lines of reality and fantasy. :-)
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