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I learned how to sew in 2011 and just kept running full speed ahead. I'm always experimenting with things and testing out new techniques. This year I decided to challenge myself and try my hand at making things out of thermoplastics. (They are going to look really funny at first. Totally Ok.)

So feel free to bug me with questions if you need tutorials, advice or resources. I won't bite (tumblr is my work in progress journal.)

Cosplay is such an inspiring artform. It gives me a place to belong, somewhere to learn new things and share the fandoms with others. There is nothing more satisfying than leaving others with happy memories, knowledge and inspirational goals.

Cosplay should always be about having fun and making friends of all shapes & sizes and no matter if it's homemade or store bought. Let's have fun together!

I'm 5'1", 50% Japanese, 50% Chinese.

2016 Events Schedule
Jan 29-31 Anime Los Angeles - Ontario, Ca
Apr 16 Monterey Park Cherry Blossom Festival
May 27-29 Anime North - Toronto, Canada
Jun 3 Ninja-con Little Tokyo
Jul 1-4 Anime Expo - LACC

Commission info: http://fav.me/d4gz06s

Next Convention Appearance:

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