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[central va] with conventions canceling due to pandemic, anyone needing a photographer outside the con circuit?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:56 pm
by HitoriPanda
Title pretty much sums it up.
I'm sure a lot of you are still working hard on your costumes and might be looking to a way to find a way to show these costumes off. I figured I'd offer my services to those who need/want them. I always research your characters before the shoots so I can help you with posing suggestions.
Must be 18 with ID or must have legal guardian attend the shoot.
I will maintain social distancing for the shoot and will be wearing PPE. Shooting will be outdoors so please consider the weather when selecting costumes and props.
Since this website seems to be mostly dead, if you're reading this post pandemic other options may be available. I also do not promise to monitor this account on a regular basis depending on what the future holds. Feel free to reach out to me at HitoriPandaPhotography at gmail. Gmail might be best because I can send links to my portfolio.