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RSS Feed Issue

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:11 am
by waynekaa
Some of you may have noticed that we made some changes to our RSS feeds last night. They should now be less frequent - before, it was treating every photo as a separate update, which would cause it to be quite spammy if you uploaded a lot of photos at one time. Now, it'll only keep track of your 15 most recent costume updates by the hour. So if you update 1 costume with 10 photos, it'll only post one update, instead of 10. Unfortunately, this caused the feeds to be reset, so those of you who have linked your FB and Twitter accounts to it may have gotten a bunch of updates. This should be the only time it happens - we think we've also fixed the problem with the feeds going crazy after Daylight Savings Time change, but we won't know for sure until it actually happens. And for those of you new to ACParadise and wondering what this whole RSS linking is, you can view our guide right here!