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Illustrator & designer living in Atlanta. Obsessed about my cats. Wants to travel the world. Road rage enthusiast. Sews/crafts occasionally.

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gamerscul9870 says, "She's sucking her in the dress mouth D:"
For Queen Frostine from Candyland
jbetando says, "Do you happen to have the pattern for this outfit? I would pay you for it. I've been looking everywhere for a secret garden dress and I've had no luck so far."
For Secret Garden Lolita from Original: Gothic Lolita / EGL / EGA
MissAmiMizuno says, "Saki is my favourite! you look GREAT!"
For Saki from Steel Angel Kurumi
Tranquility says, "This costume is great. Cute idea! The pictures made me laugh. Haha."
For Queen Frostine from Candyland
Baby demon00 says, "kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cute"
For Shia from Pita Ten