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I've been cosplaying since 1999 and in that time I've spent untold thousands of dollars on this crazy hobby. I'm a 2003 graduate of NC State University with a degree in Textile Technology, and a 2010 graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising with a degree in Fashion Design. Now I mostly focus on my apparel line, but try to set aside time to make costumes now and then.

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mychelle says, "how did you do the boots?!?!"
For Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2
envirion says, "Oh wow! I love your huge hat! <3"
For Lachesis from Five Star Stories
DreamSaber says, "NIce costume"
For La Optical Tai Phone from Five Star Stories
yaoigirl16 says, "ummm im interested in buying this costume ...im 5'4 about 119 pounds....how much is it?"
For Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop
sakura009 says, "your an amazing Rikku!! You look justlike her!!! I want to make rikku as my first costume but I'm having probelms with making her boots, can you tell me detailed how you did it??"
For Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2