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Hi, I'm still kind of n00b... but I love the learning process that comes with cosplaying. I'm also a huge nerd.

I was part of Lolwut?! Cosplay Group that won Runner Up to Best Group Performance at AX 2011 Masquerade and Best Group Presentation at AX 2010 ^_^

Keep an eye out for me :)

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EvilProdigyYip says, "Yes, basically xD"
For Sarutobi Sasuke from Sengoku Basara
JadeKat says, "This basically sums up their relationship. XD"
For Sarutobi Sasuke from Sengoku Basara
EvilProdigyYip says, "You are too kind ~ >.< "
For Masrur from Magi Labyrinth of Magic
Nianomster says, "*/////* so cute!"
For Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII-2
Nianomster says, "And this was the moment I fell in love~! *////* You make such a cool Masrur!"
For Masrur from Magi Labyrinth of Magic